Tuesday, January 1, 2013


here it is another new years day -- my 30th one! -- and i feel compelled to look back on the year that was and ahead to the next chapter. 2012 was a confusing, contradictory year full of so much love and loss, new beginnings and sad goodbyes. i have had tough years in the past but i have never ended a sad year with such a feeling of happiness and hope for the future. if you're wondering why, ahem:

i'm getting married! all at once, amidst a year shadowed by the loss of my aunt, who was like another mother to both me and my own mother, after a long illness and all the challenges of leaving my career behind to become a full time student, i'm struck by an overwhelming feeling of lightness and joy and optimism that only love and happiness can bring.

my hope for 2013 is that it will bring more of this feeling to me and my family and friends. i see so many doors opening, so many possibilities ahead. professionally, i see countless opportunities available where i once felt stuck at work and in my career path. and personally, i see a future and a family with the love of my life, and i look forward to continuing our amazing life and growing our family from the three of us (including ginger!) in the years ahead.

happy new year!